


A Bowen session initiates a cascade of beneficial changes that continue for up to ten days unless interrupted by new injury or external strong stimulation, for example vigorous-intensity exercise/activities, heat or cold packs and additional manipulative bodywork.

Treatments can be done through clothing when preferred. In this case it is recommended loose clothing that are comfortable and not restrictive.

Treatment sessions can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. During this time, the therapist may leave the room for periods of two to five minutes at a time. This allows the body to integrate and respond to the Bowen moves which activate the body’s innate healing process.

It is common for people to fall asleep during a session or enter into a deep state of relaxation and lessening of muscular tension and pain. The restorative process begins once the body is relaxed, so that Bowen treatment helps the body’s own healing resources to achieve balance and harmony

It is recommended that the application of other manipulative therapies to be avoided for five days before and after a Bowen session, as to not disrupt the process and undermine the overall effectiveness of the Bowen work. There are also other important instructions to be followed after a Bowen session.