


Shoulder pain and restriction are common issues for many people and luckily regardless of your age, these issues can usually be eased very quickly with Bowen Therapy.

Shoulder problems can be serious or minor. They can also be acute (with a sudden onset) or chronic (they develop over and last for a long period of time). The pain may occur in the joint itself, or in the many muscles, tendons and ligaments in the shoulders.

The causes of shoulder pain include:

– General wear and tear with increasing age

– Arthritis

– Overuse (for example, during certain sports or other activities that involve continual or repetitive use of the shoulder)

– Rotator cuff tendonitis happens when the tendons in the rotator cuff (the group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint) become irritated or damaged

Rotator cuff bursitis occurs when the bursa, or lining that provides a cushion between the bones and the tendons becomes swollen or irritated. This process usually occurs as a response to the underlying degenerative process within the tendon.

Rotator cuff tears having the same causes that lead to tendonitis and where the chronic inflammation and degeneration may cause the tendon to wear down and tear

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis appears when there is inflammation in the lining of the capsule of the ball socket joint. The shoulder capsule thickens and tightens creating discomfort. There is no known cause of frozen shoulder, which presents as progressive pain with motion and stiffness

– Calcific tendonitis – a condition where calcium deposits build up in the muscles or tendons. Like frozen shoulder, there is no known cause for calcific tendonitis, but it can be quite painful.

– Shoulder impingement syndrome – a condition where tendons in the shoulder are squeezed or trapped during movement

– Falls, shoulder dislocations or instability and other types of injuries

– Poor posture.

Shoulder pain can sometimes be caused by an underlying medical condition such as:

– Fibromyalgia – a chronic rheumatic condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body

– Polymyalgia rheumatica – an inflammatory disorder that causes muscle pain and stiffness, especially in the shoulders and hips

– Cervical radiculopathy – a condition where a cervical nerve root becomes compressed or irritated in the neck. It can cause pain and symptoms that radiate along the path of the nerve into the shoulder, arm and/or hand.

– Cervical spine and disc issues, when usually patients complain of pain in their shoulder blades.

– Shoulder pain can be a sign of a heart attack. If you are also having trouble breathing and feel a tightness in your chest you should seek medical attention immediately by dialing triple zero (000) and asking for an ambulance.