


Catalina Acsinte is a neurosurgeon with 18 years of experience in the practice of medicine and took up the study of Bowen therapy (Bowtech) as a result of witnessing the miraculous recovery of one of her patients, whom she could not further help as a doctor. Her patient (TC) was 29 years old when a horrific accident left him with severe brain and lung injuries and multiple fractures.

Following the first brain surgery, the patient regained consciousness, but was still unable to move, eat on his own or have control over his excretion processes. After the second surgery, the patient was discharged conscious, but communicating only through the movement of his eyeballs. He was fed through a nasogastric tube and was still without control of any of his movements.

Following physical and speech therapy in a rehabilitation clinic, he started regaining some ability to move. More surgery was required , then therapy at home, but without any significant results.

In September 2011, a year from the accident, the patient’s family decides to try Bowen therapy as a last resort. After only a few sessions with therapist Niculina Gheorghita, TC started talking and swallowing, then was able to sit and take a few steps. Few months into the therapy, the patient regained control over his excretion functions.

In February 2012, TC underwent cranioplasty (correction of the cranial bone through the insertion of an acrylic plate). By now, he was able to talk, walk and eat on his own.

In September 2012, the patient presented with a suppurated wound at the place of his last surgery. The doctor, Catalina Acsinte, first treated him unsuccessfully with antibiotics, then decided to remove the acrylic plate, considering it to be responsible for the infection. During the surgery, she observed a fibrous structure grown at the bone level, looking like layers of an onion, which the doctor had never seen happening before.


The patient’s state was stagnant for one year after the accident, despite the medical treatment, physical and speech therapy. In contrast, one year after beginning Bowen therapy, the patient looked healthy – during this year he became independent and regained all previously lost functions. The fibrous structure found after removing the acrylic plate seemed to be the bone regenerating. All of these seem to point to one explanation: the body has the ability to heal, given the right environment.

Catalina Acsinte would not have believed this story if she had not seen it with her own eyes. She was so impressed with this case, that she decided to enrol into Bowen training and started practicing as a therapist herself, and since, has facilitated many more amazing recoveries. She practices in Iasi, Romania.

An article about this case, written by Catalina Acsinte, MD was printed in Bowen Hands, September 2013

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