


Bowen Therapy will continue to work in your body for up to ten days following the treatment.

Following the instructions below will highly enhance the effectiveness of your Bowen treatment.

After the Bowen Therapy treatment is important to:

  • Walk and drink plenty of water (2 litres/day) – it will assist your lymphatic system to release the toxins and debris from the tissues of your body
  • Take short walks avoiding sitting for longer than 30 minutes
  • NOT use heat/cold packs
  • NOT use saunas, spas, or take hot showers for one week (warm showers OK)
  • Avoid any bodywork therapy (e.g. massage, physiotherapy, osteopathy) for 5 days before and after Bowen treatment
  • Avoid crossing your legs especially if you have a vascular or pelvic problem
  • On the day of your treatment avoid vigorous sports and exercises
  • If you had jaw work done as part of your treatment, do not bite into apples, raw carrots or anything similar and try to avoid yawning, just for the treatment day. Keep jaw as small as you can (do not open your mouth widely). Definitely no chewing gum.
  • Have patience. The treatment can take a couple of days to take effect. In some instances symptoms may worsen for 24-48 hours as the body readjust itself after a Bowen Treatment

Reactions ranging from hot and cold flushes, emotional releases, headaches and body aches may be experienced. These reactions are positive signs that the healing process has begun.