


A frequent request made to a Bowen therapist in training by their instructor or training subjects is to reduce the pressure applied during the treatment. And this seems very odd at first. Most people have been conditioned by the existing massage therapies, especially those used in injury rehabilitation, to use a fair amount of force and pressure, in other words, to work hard.

Yet, Bowen practitioners claim better results with gentler moves. Why is this the case?

Well, it has to do with the nervous system’s impulse conduction process (the way signals are transmitted by the nervous system), which, in turn, relies on changes to electrical charges along the nerve structures – “action potential”. This change in potential is similar to an on/off switch, which is supplied with energy by the nerve cell itself, not by the therapist’s action. So a forceful move will not result in a quicker signal transmission, just as pressing hard on the light switch will not make the light brighter. If anything, a high initial force may overstimulate the body, generating a fight or flight response, with opposite to the desired results.

The Bowen move will send a signal via sensory nerves to the brain, the signal is distributed to all relevant areas of the brain which, in turn, process the information and return signals via the motor nerves to the relevant body structures. The waiting period is prescribed after most Bowen moves in order to avoid interference with the body’s response.

Conclusion: As with everything else, working with instead of against your body will always yield a positive response and much better results. Trust nature to know best how to heal, given the gentlest of nudges.