


Alastair Rattray is an experienced Bowen Therapist and he teaches at the European College of Bowen Studies in London. 

In 1999 he had a remarkable success in treating one of his clients, a two-year-old girl who had a severe reaction to a steroid treatment which alarmed her parents so much, they stopped administering any medication.

The girl arrived at the clinic with a heavy wheezing and difficulty breathing, both of which stopped shortly after she received her first Bowen session, but the treatment continued every ten days for a few months. She did not have another asthma attack for six years. 

Encouraged by these results, Alastair initiated a study aiming to find out how Bowen could help improve the quality of life of asthma sufferers. While this was not a rigorous scientific study, it revealed important information:

– Bowen treatments showed improvements in asthma symptoms and quality of life, regardless of severity of illness, age or the doses of medication administered

– A number of the studied patients had been hospitalized several times before their first Bowen session. None of them needed hospitalization after they started Bowen

– Babies who secret excess mucus treated by conventional medicine practises can take months to clear. The five cases treated by Alastair however, responded consistently with the mucus clearing overnight, following a 30 second, very gentle  procedure

– A dramatic reduction in the need for reliever inhalers (Ventolin/Salbutamol) by asthma sufferers has been noticed after they were taught a simple but very effective Bowen procedure. During a typical asthma attack, the diaphragm spasms with increasing intensity. This Bowen procedure releases the diaphragm in a similar time as that taken by inhalers to work. 

However he highlighted to all his patients that they should use the inhaler if their doctor or asthma nurse had directed them to do so for a fixed period.

A typical result was shown by a 27 year old woman, who, at the beginning of her treatment used her medication 20 times per day. Asthma is considered under control when the use of inhalers is needed up to five times daily. Learning to perform the Bowen Release Procedure on herself, allowed her to control her asthma attacks and she stopped using her reliever medication.

The Bowen Release Move is a very gentle signal to the nervous system to get in to release any tension in the diaphragm. Children as young as five have been able to use this move on themselves successfully. This move is also very effective for people suffering from anxiety/panic attack, as the diaphragm reacts in the same way.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information. 

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