


Parents and carers of children and teenagers have reported improvement in symptoms of many childhood illnesses and problems after their children have received Bowen Therapy.

A child’s Bowen session is very gentle. Many reported finding it a pleasant and relaxing experience. Treatments are carried out through light clothing, whilst the parent / guardian remains in the room. Sessions may take 15-20 minutes and can be on couches, chairs, on the parent’s lap, or whilst the child is playing.

Some children may require regular treatment for the best results.

The Bowen treatment have been reported to improve:

– health, relaxation and mood

– motor control, behaviour and concentration

– posture

– sleeping patterns

Also Bowen Therapy has helped children suffering of:

• Allergies • Anxiety • Asthma • Bed-wetting • Digestive Complaints • Ear Aches Glue Ear

• Falls and Sports Injuries • Growing Pain • Headaches • Joint Pain • Sinus problems • Teeth grinding

Babies are very sensitive and respond quickly to minimal moves and pressure.

A new born baby can have Bowen treatment shortly after birth within a day or so, as it is so gentle, that it is hard to believe anything is happening.

Baby Bowen moves are made on specific parts of your baby’s body which triggers the body’s natural responses to heal itself.

The treatment is effective at rebalancing the nervous system in babies and can make a huge difference to babies suffering from birth trauma, tense muscles as well as immature digestive systems. It has no side effects or contra-indications.

Baby Bowen sessions take approximately fifteen minutes and because babies and youngsters appear to respond quicker to the treatment than adults, improvement is often seen after only a couple of sessions.

Bowen Therapy has proven to work wonderfully on some of the more common conditions of young babies, like:

• Colic, reflux • Constipation, bloating • Difficult to settle, restless • Sleepless • Neck restriction • Nervous or anxious babies • Feeding problems • Respiratory problems • Slow to crawl or walk • Tear ducts blockage

A research, conducted in Bulgaria on effectiveness of Bowen treatment on baby colic was presented in 2016 in Cairns, at Bowen Conference and the results were amazing.

Georgi Ilchev is a senior Bowtech Instructor and the President of the Bowen Therapy Association of Bulgaria. He describes the campaign conducted in 2015 by Bowen Therapy Association of Bulgaria. A one year research has been initiated over the efficiency of Baby Bowen Procedure for baby colic.

Fifteen Bowen practitioners took part in the research. They treated a number of 170 babies consisting of 78 boys and 92 girls, with the youngest baby at 7 days and the eldest at 8 months.

As a result of Bowen Treatment, 63% of the babies recovered, 23-24 % had very good improvement, 7% responded with temporary improvement (colic disappeared or significantly diminished for two or three days and then reappeared) and only 6% had a very poor response or no response at all.

The participants in the study observed all the data collected (information about the type of birth, the type of feeding, the intake of medications) and they concluded that breastfeeding significantly influences the persistence of the symptoms when it comes to diet and emotional status of the mother.

It was also found that C-section born babies are predisposed to prolonged colic and may need longer treatment.