


Bowen Therapy is a remedial soft tissue technique affecting musculoskeletal and neuromuscular health. It is used to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including acute sports injuries and chronic health issues.

Originally developed by Thomas Bowen of Geelong, Victoria, Australia, this therapy is now taught and practiced throughout the world. Its claim to fame is that it addresses the causes of problems, rather than the symptoms, stimulating the body’s natural ability to balance and self-heal.

The Bowen technique is gentle, non-invasive, involves no manipulation and this make it appropriate for anyone including pregnant women, newborn babies, the frail and the elderly.

A person may experience relief after only one session and significant resolution or recovery within three sessions. However, chronic or long-standing conditions or repeat injury may require additional treatments.

Read here about how Bowen Therapy works

Bowen treatment reduces stress levels and physical pain while improving: immunity, circulation, lymphatic and venous draining, sleep, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins, joint mobility, posture, cellular physiology, tissue integrity to list only a few.

Please click here for more of the conditions that can be helped with Bowen Therapy.